Men’s Summer Fitness Mistakes

Male fitness summer there is a pattern, but there are many errors, to remind men who love sports a lot of attention when friends fitness.

Myth one: high temperature sweating is good exercise to lose weight

Some young people like to engage in outdoor activities in the sun, doing so can actually sweating, achieve weight loss results, but it will cause any harm. High temperatures in a large amount of exercise movement, asics gel noosa tri 8  can easily lead to excessive sweating can cause dehydration, heat stroke, severe syncope will make people feel. In addition, the summer 11:00 to 16:00, when the sun is strongest, the sun will burn human skin.

Myth: Fitness immediately after the shower

Fitness has just ended, the body needed release body heat, asics running shoes skin capillaries resulting expansion. If at this time wash cold water bath, the skin will be too cold stimulation, sudden contraction of the capillaries, and have actually not conducive to body heat. Turns hot or too cold to stimulate the skin, open pores also make an emergency shutdown, the body’s immune system fall, the bacteria invade the easiest time.
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Myth: After a lot of water sports

Many people know that in a lot of sweat immediately after going to add moisture, but it is easy to pay too much. asics mens running shoes Because, after a large amount of exercise, human organs, the system needs a break, but this time a lot of water, then he will digestion, blood circulation and other systems, especially heavy burden on the heart increases. Meanwhile, the large number of sweat, mineral supplements can compensate for water lost in sweat trace elements. If a large number of drinking water, the body will only exacerbate the loss of minerals, easily lead to cramps, asics womens running shoes spasms and other symptoms.

Myth: favorable cooling refreshing frozen drinks

After strenuous exercise, a lot of blood flow to the muscles moving and the surface, while the digestive organs are in a relatively anemic state. At this time drinking frozen beverages, will bring a strong stomach irritation, easily induced anorexia, acute gastritis and other diseases.

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